We are combatting the world’s largest killing epidemic of chronic disease. As a non-profit organization, we are leading the path forward transforming large-scale public health. We have taken on the responsibility to uphold the public bringing the latest cutting-edge expertise and ground-breaking discoveries to the forefront for health.
The advancements of medical science have allowed us to discover the significant role of the human microbiome, precision medicine, and precision nutrition in regard to health versus disease. It is changing the future of healthcare – opening avenues for early detection and prevention. Instead of waiting to treat patients after disease has developed, we now have the tools for proactive testing and treatment options to prevent disease ~ before it even starts.
Due to the massive gap within the system, it takes an average of fifteen years for clinical care to catch up with the science. When battling cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s – patients don’t have fifteen years to wait.
What we do matters. We are closing the gap to prevent disease actively working with scientists, clinicians, researchers, and most importantly the patients. Together we are tenaciously driven to heal the suffering – and to put an end to chronic disease.
COLLABORATION – Strength of the collective voice.
STRATEGY – Smart and strategic advancing public health.
INTEGRITY – Transparent and dedicated to saving lives.
ACTION – Intentional and relentless driving mission and vision.
ADVOCACY – Educate and empower millions to prevent disease.
To advance the future of healthcare through proactive, preventive measures ~ with the microbiome at the cornerstone for health.
MADP Collaborative Alliance is a convergence of strategic partners leading the path forward in precision, prevention, and early detection – TOGETHER. Our partners value the strategy of collaboration and the collective sharing of knowledge, expertise, and best practices to improving our nation’s health and the health of humanity across the globe.
MADP Clinical Cancer Alliance is a convergence of strategic partners devoted to accelerating cancer prevention, early detection, and integrative precision cancer treatments. The microbiome has a critical role in cancer. TOGETHER we value the strategy of collaboration and the collective sharing of knowledge, expertise, and best practices to combat cancer and provide life-saving hope for those in need.