We are the home to over 100 trillion microorganisms outnumbering our mammalian cells by 10 to 1. Scientists often refer to them as our ‘second genome’. This rich ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and more, live in and on the human body – including our nose, lungs, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive tract. 


Our partnering relationship with microorganisms plays a critical role in human health and sustaining life.  Without them, there would be no life.  The gastrointestinal microbiome, also known as the gut microbiome, is the ‘center core’ of our immunity, metabolism, nervous system, and even our brain. It has been considered by the scientific community as a ‘new organ’

“The science of the microbiome has critical impacts on human health.  Incorporating the microbiome into the diagnosis and management of disease provides important evidence regarding disease progression and treatment — particularly in inflammatory, immune, and systemic diseases.” 

~ American Journal of Public Health 

Microbiome Powerhouse
Microbiome Powerhouse

Our microbiota are continually involved in a complex crosstalk between our gut and our brain. 
“The Second Brain.” 

70% of our immune system is housed within the gut. There is a constant ‘interplay’ between our gut microbiota and our immune system. 

Our microbial partners have a pivotal role in health to treat… “The Root Cause.” 


OUR MICROBIAL PARTNERS – Pivotal Role In Human Health

Our microbial partners are protective and disease preventing. The human gut microbiota is a complex biological community that has an essential role in maintaining systemic health. 


Humans rely on microbes to perform critical biological functions that we cannot perform ourselves 

microbial partners
  • Digest and break down food determining nutrient absorption.
  • Produce critical vitamins such as B-complex vitamins, and Vitamin K2 required for calcium absorption into the bones.
  • Break down and regulate absorption of pharmaceutical drugs and medications, including cancer immunotherapies (pharmacomicrobiomics).
  • Regulate gene expression, either turning on or off (epigenetics).
  • Train and instruct the immune system.
  • Neutralize cancer-causing toxins.
  • Synthesize a number of neurotransmitters. 
  • Stimulate neurons of the nervous system sending signals to the brain (via gut-brain axis).
  • Direct role in mood, memory, and cognition.
  • Shape sleep and stress reactivity (via hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis).
  • Produce anti-inflammatory compounds called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
  • Protect against harmful pathogens.
  • Stimulate the formation of new cells of the gut lining.
  • Produce and regulate hormones.
  • Regulate our metabolism and weight.
“One overarching conclusion is that many diseases are impacted by the microbiome’s capacity to modulate the immune system, specifically in its ability to influence levels of inflammation in the gut, as well as systemically.” 

~ Dr. Joseph Petrosino, Ph.D., 
“The Microbiome in Precision Medicine: The Way Forward.”